Name: Clarissa Jane Woollins
Nationality: British / Filipino
High School: Garden International School, Kuala Lumpur – Class of 2019
Degree Chosen at Culinary Arts Academy: Bachelor of International Business in Culinary Arts & Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Culinary Arts – Class of 2022
I am so grateful to Sonia and Pauline because I would not have known about the Culinary Arts Academy in Switzerland if they hadn’t come to my high school to talk about it! They were so helpful with the application process and made me realize that this school was the one for me!
1. Studying in Switzerland – Why did you choose Switzerland as a study destination. And how was your experience studying at CAAS?
I chose to study in Switzerland because I was very interested in going to CAAS and I also wanted a change after living in Asia most of my life, I wanted to experience what it was like to live in Europe. Studying in CAAS has been really fun so far. I have met really good people and form friendships that I think will last a lifetime. Studying in Switzerland was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I can’t imagine being anywhere else. Here in Switzerland I am surrounded by beautiful scenery with mountains and the view of Lake Geneva. My advice for students looking into going to Switzerland to study would be to make sure you really know what you are signing up for because it can be very tough and the hours are long so you have to be sure that you are really committed and passionate about studying culinary arts.
2. My Program – Which program did you choose and describe in summary overall program about what you learned from the campuses. And which specialization you are choosing?
I chose the Bachelor of Arts in Culinary Arts program at CAAS because I felt like it would provide me with both the knowledge and experience that I would need to make my dreams come true in the future. The course is actually constructed in terms and the classes change every term showing you how you have progressed since term 1. I also chose the school because of its internship program since you do two 4-6 month internships during your time at CAAS. I was interested in this because I thought it would be really interesting to see how a real restaurant runs itself and I feel like the more I build on experience, the more knowledge I develop too. The chef instructors and teachers at CAAS are kind, they are also so knowledgeable and passionate about their art. I have learned that every chef has a different philosophy and it is really interesting to see the different ways they do things.
3. My Internship – Where did you do your internships and which one was your best experience out of all?
I am currently in the middle of my second month of my first internship. I am currently working at an Italian restaurant in Montreux, Switzerland and it has been quite fun so far however the restaurant has unfortunately closed due to COVID-19 but the restaurant is still open for takeaway. It has been a very educational experience as it was my first time working in a professional kitchen and I feel like I have really improved my kitchen skills. It has been very interesting to see how a real restaurant operates and how the things I have learned in the classrooms have been applied to real life.
4. My Future – What are your goals after graduation? If graduated already – What is your current position and what do you do daily on your job. What do you love most about it, next career move?
My goal after graduation is to continue to work and travel to different countries to gain more experience in the industry then eventually open my own restaurant in the future. I am so excited to open my own restaurant one day so that I can be creative with it and have something to call mine where I worked so hard to perfect every detail.