G’day, mate! Slap on your thongs, grab your eski, and spend your Mundy arvo with your cobbers at the beach!
That may look slightly silly now, but after a semester in Australia, you’ll be speaking “heaps more” Aussie slang (good on ya!). Despite its distance from the USA, Australia sometimes feels like our homeland’s most natural neighbor. Other times, though, things may get a little lost in translation, but it sure is fun to argue over who’s English is proper! If you want to study abroad in a new country, but not interested in exploring territories too exotic, Australia is calling your name.
Students who study abroad in Australia can expect to be immersed in rich traditions and innovative ideas. Whether you are touring an art gallery in one of Australia’s lively cities, or bushwhacking across the Australian outback, there is an adventure to be found for any student willing to try something new.